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LibreOffice est une suite bureautique puissante ; son interface claire et ses outils avancés libèrent votre créativité et accroissent votre productivité.
LibreOffice intègre plusieurs applications qui en font la suite bureautique Libre
 & Open Source la plus évoluée du marché.

Une suite bureautique libre

LibreOffice 25.2 est disponible

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Un projet passionnant

LibreOffice est l'un des projets les plus sympathiques et les plus dynamiques dans le monde du logiciel libre et open source.

En savoir plus sur nous et nos valeurs

Des gens fantastiques

LibreOffice est plus qu'un logiciel. Il s'agit de gens, de culture, de création, de partage et de collaboration

Rejoignez-nous maintenant !

LibreOffice est un logiciel Libre et Open Source. Le développement est ouvert à de nouveaux talents et de nouvelles idées, et notre logiciel est testé et utilisé quotidiennement par une communauté d'utilisateurs importante et dévouée.

LibreOffice 25.2: The first week, in statistics

One week ago, we announced LibreOffice 25.2, our brand new major release. It’s packed with new features, and has many improvements to compatibility and performance too. So, what has happened in the week since then? Let’s check out some stats… 647,961 downloads These are just stats for our official downloads page, of course – many […]

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LibreOffice 25.2, the office suite that meets today’s user needs

The new major release provides many user interface and accessibility improvements, plus the usual interoperability features Berlin, 6 February 2025 – LibreOffice 25.2, the new major release of the free, volunteer-supported office suite for Windows (Intel, AMD and ARM), macOS (Apple Silicon and Intel) and Linux is available on our download page. LibreOffice is the […]

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Understanding the existing code to provide better patches

LibreOffice inherits a gigantic code base from its ancestors, StarOffice and OpenOffice. Here I discuss some notes for the newcomers on how to better understand the existing LibreOffice code, and improve the patches.

Studying the Existing Code

As said, LibreOffice is a huge code base, containing ~10 million lines of mostly C++ code. There are different assumptions, conventions and coding styles across ~200 modules that LibreOffice has.

Therefore, it is important to first, study […]

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LibreOffice 25.2: The first week, in statistics

One week ago, we announced LibreOffice 25.2, our brand new major release. It’s packed with new features, and has many improvements to compatibility and performance too. So, what has happened in the week since then? Let’s check out some stats… 647,961 downloads These are just stats for our official downloads page, of course – many […]

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